Pratap Chandra is an affluent renowned jeweler who lives happily with his family and a servant Gora. Pratap Chandra is dishea...
Audio Available in: Bhojpuri
Pratap Chandra is an affluent renowned jeweler who lives happily with his family and a servant Gora. Pratap Chandra is disheartened and angry when his daughter Buli marries a poor journalist against his wishes. One day Buli’s infant son is detected with brain tumor and needs an urgent operation. Gora goes to Pratap and asks him to pay him his salary of 20 years which he never took. He is thrown out of the house. He steals the money and Buli’s son is operated. Buli comes home to thank her father for his timely help but gets to know that it was Gora who stole money to help her. In the meantime Gora is being chased by police and meets with an accident. Pratap Chandra, his daughter and the rest of the family rushes to the hospital. But Gora dies after bringing the family together.
Audio Available in: Bhojpuri
Pratap Chandra is an affluent renowned jeweler who lives happily with his family and a servant Gora. Pratap Chandra is dishea...
Audio Available in: Bhojpuri
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