The film opens with Mumbai police officials grappling with the rise in robberies targeted at rich people by a masked thief ca...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film opens with Mumbai police officials grappling with the rise in robberies targeted at rich people by a masked thief called Bagula Bhagat. Meanwhile, a musician and a singer named Moni (Dev Anand) works at a hotel. What nobody knows is that Bhagat is in fact Moni in disguise whose informers gather information about the misdeeds of unscrupulous traders. These traders then become Bhagat's target, who robs them and distributes their wealth amongst the poor. Manmohan's next target is Dularam (Prem Nath), the man who duped the father of the girl he's in love with. Will he succeed in his plan?
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film opens with Mumbai police officials grappling with the rise in robberies targeted at rich people by a masked thief ca...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Amir Garib