Bayama Irukku is a 2017 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Santhosh Prathap, Reshmi Menon and others. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Bayama Irukku is a 2017 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Santhosh Prathap, Reshmi Menon and others. The story revolves around Jai, who brings his friends to his house for shelter. His friends soon realise that Jai's wife, Lekha, is dead long ago but still stays in the house in the form of a ghost!
Audio Available in: Tamil
Bayama Irukku is a 2017 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Santhosh Prathap, Reshmi Menon and others. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Bayama Irukku