Salil Sen directed Chhutir Phandey, a 1975 Bengali comedy film. The film follows a group of friends who become trapped in a s...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Salil Sen directed Chhutir Phandey, a 1975 Bengali comedy film. The film follows a group of friends who become trapped in a small town due to a sandstorm and their attempts to flee. The film, which stars Soumitra Chatterjee, Aparna Sen, Utpal Dutt, Rabi Ghosh, Chinmoy Roy, Bankim Ghosh, Tarun Kumar, Jahor Roy, and others, is a humorous and entertaining portrayal of their misadventures.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Salil Sen directed Chhutir Phandey, a 1975 Bengali comedy film. The film follows a group of friends who become trapped in a s...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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Chhutir Phandey