Set in present day Lucknow (India), Gulabo Sitabo is a social satire about two impossibly peculiar human beings - Mirza Chunn...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set in present day Lucknow (India), Gulabo Sitabo is a social satire about two impossibly peculiar human beings - Mirza Chunnan Nawab, who stays in a dilapidated mansion and one of the tenants, Baankey Rastogi. The mansion may have seen many dramas unfold over a century of its existence, but still has a final act left as the drama of battle of ownership unfolds, with a priceless lesson to teach.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Set in present day Lucknow (India), Gulabo Sitabo is a social satire about two impossibly peculiar human beings - Mirza Chunn...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Gulabo Sitabo