Rangila Prema is an Odia dubbed comedy movie starring Allari Naresh and Poorna in the lead roles. The story revolves around S...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Rangila Prema is an Odia dubbed comedy movie starring Allari Naresh and Poorna in the lead roles. The story revolves around Sri, a guy from a wealthy family, who falls in love with Satya, an underprivileged girl. When Sri learns that Satya hates rich people, he pretends to be a poor and honest person to woo her. Will Satya ever know the truth and will it affect their relationship?
Audio Available in: Oriya
Rangila Prema is an Odia dubbed comedy movie starring Allari Naresh and Poorna in the lead roles. The story revolves around S...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Rangila Prema