After the Huntingtons disobey Baron Alwines orders, their castle is burned to the ground. Young Robert Huntington, the future...
Audio Available in: English
After the Huntingtons disobey Baron Alwines orders, their castle is burned to the ground. Young Robert Huntington, the future Robin Hood, flees the lotus flower of flames, and together with Will and his sisters, Winifred and Barbara, takes refuge in Sherwood Forest, where he meets Friar Tuck and Little John, the leader of a band of young outlaws. Robin knows also Marian, a beautiful young noblewoman, forced to go to the Barons castle where she will be adopted by Bishop Herfort against her will.Robin, Much, Will and Little John decide to reach the castle, disguised as women, to find Marian and save her before the adoption ceremony. After saving Marian, they go back to the Sherwood Forest. And a lot drama continues.
Audio Available in: English
After the Huntingtons disobey Baron Alwines orders, their castle is burned to the ground. Young Robert Huntington, the future...
Audio Available in: English
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Robin Hood