Following a series of bomb blasts in Hyderabad, a special ATS team identifies Yasin Darji as the suspect. The team then picks...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Following a series of bomb blasts in Hyderabad, a special ATS team identifies Yasin Darji as the suspect. The team then picks up a Muslim man as a suspected terrorist and subjects him to physical and emotional torture, only to realise later that he's an innocent student named Sameer. But instead of fixing the error, the higher authorities decide to strike a deal with Sameer. In exchange of his freedom, Sammer must help the team to get to the real culprit. Will he be able to fulfill this dangerous mission?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Following a series of bomb blasts in Hyderabad, a special ATS team identifies Yasin Darji as the suspect. The team then picks...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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