The film tells the experience of a boxer from weak to strong, showing the true meaning of Chinese Kung Fu. Boxing rookie Shen...
Audio Available in: Tamil
The film tells the experience of a boxer from weak to strong, showing the true meaning of Chinese Kung Fu. Boxing rookie Shen Xiaoqiang won nine games in a row in the competition, but because he believed that President Zhang lost the game in the final, he was also caught in the turmoil of counterfeiting. The desperate Xiaoqiang came to Gujia Town to learn from his uncle Gu Jian. From then on, he began to practice Gujiaquan under his uncle's devil training, and finally returned to the ring to win back his respect.
Audio Available in: Tamil
The film tells the experience of a boxer from weak to strong, showing the true meaning of Chinese Kung Fu. Boxing rookie Shen...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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The Boxer Tamil Dubbed