The Real Tevar is a 2015 Telugu action drama film dubbed in Hindi with Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan in the lead. The story r...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The Real Tevar is a 2015 Telugu action drama film dubbed in Hindi with Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan in the lead. The story revolves around Harsha Vardhan, a multi-millionaire, who feels a sense of void in his life, despite having all the luxuries. To fill the void, he adopts a village and starts developing it. Meanwhile, he falls in love with Chaaruseela, but she leaves him upon realising his true identity.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The Real Tevar is a 2015 Telugu action drama film dubbed in Hindi with Mahesh Babu and Shruti Haasan in the lead. The story r...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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The Real Tevar