Tunka Tunka is a Punjabi drama film directed by Garry Khatrao and written by Hardeep Grewal. Tunka tunka Casts Hardeep Grewal...
Audio Available in: Punjabi
Tunka Tunka is a Punjabi drama film directed by Garry Khatrao and written by Hardeep Grewal. Tunka tunka Casts Hardeep Grewal, Sardar Sohi, Hashneen Chauhan, and Balwinder Bullet.The story revolves around a boy (Fateh Singh) who aspires to beat the world in a race with his 24-inch ‘Desi’ cycle. Fateh encounters a series of hindrances in his journey to success. You can watch this inspiring story on Chaupal OTT.
Audio Available in: Punjabi
Tunka Tunka is a Punjabi drama film directed by Garry Khatrao and written by Hardeep Grewal. Tunka tunka Casts Hardeep Grewal...
Audio Available in: Punjabi
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Tunka Tunka