Yaadein is a 2001 Hindi romantic drama film starring Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor and Jackie Shroff. The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Yaadein is a 2001 Hindi romantic drama film starring Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor and Jackie Shroff. The story revolves around Raj Singh Puri, father of three daughters, and who works for the Malhotras. Raj is against love marriages and when his daughter Isha falls in love with Ronit Malhotra, he opposes their relationship. Will Ronit and Isha sacrifice their love for the sake of their parents or will they manage to convince them?
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Yaadein is a 2001 Hindi romantic drama film starring Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor and Jackie Shroff. The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
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