Aisa Maine Suna Hai' is a tongue-in-cheek Bollywood themed comedy show that takes place in the confines of a make up-room, wh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Aisa Maine Suna Hai' is a tongue-in-cheek Bollywood themed comedy show that takes place in the confines of a make up-room, where celebrities tend to let their tongues loose. This comic video features actress Kangana (Priya Raina) who asks the make up man (Suresh Menon) to give her the look of 'Diana', and to also share the latest juicy gossips. While gossip flows freely, the 'look' she eventually gets leaves her more in shock than any tit-bit she hears.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Aisa Maine Suna Hai' is a tongue-in-cheek Bollywood themed comedy show that takes place in the confines of a make up-room, wh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Aisa Maine Suna Hai