Drama Juniors 2 is a Kannada talent search reality show hosted by Master Anand and judged by actress Lakshmi, T.N.Seetharam a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Drama Juniors 2 is a Kannada talent search reality show hosted by Master Anand and judged by actress Lakshmi, T.N.Seetharam and Vijay Raghavendra. It is a show that puts children from ages 5 to 13, through various challenging tasks, to assess them on their acting talent and to groom them in becoming better actors. Extraordinary performances by these little masters are worth enjoying.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Drama Juniors 2 is a Kannada talent search reality show hosted by Master Anand and judged by actress Lakshmi, T.N.Seetharam a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Drama Juniors 2