Sabash Odisha is a 2020 Odia reality show. The show is hosted by Pupinder Singh and judged by renowned celebrities Siddhant M...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Sabash Odisha is a 2020 Odia reality show. The show is hosted by Pupinder Singh and judged by renowned celebrities Siddhant Mohapatra, Aparajita Mohanty, Kuna Tripathy and Chittaranjan Tripathy. The teams are divided into four zones, East, West, North and South, wherein contestants from different regions of Odisha showcase their talent.
Audio Available in: Oriya
Sabash Odisha is a 2020 Odia reality show. The show is hosted by Pupinder Singh and judged by renowned celebrities Siddhant M...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Sabash Odisha