Yeh Vaada Raha is a Hindi drama television series starring Ankush Arora, Sonal Vengurlekar, Lavanya Bharadwaj and Harbandaa K...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Yeh Vaada Raha is a Hindi drama television series starring Ankush Arora, Sonal Vengurlekar, Lavanya Bharadwaj and Harbandaa Kaur. Survi, a 9-year-old girl, lives with her father Shrikant. A misunderstanding with Karthiks family forces Shrikant to leave the city with her daughter. Years later, Karthik meets Shrikant and promises that he will take care of Survi and brings her home. But will Survi be safe at Karthiks house where her aunt is scheming against the family.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Yeh Vaada Raha is a Hindi drama television series starring Ankush Arora, Sonal Vengurlekar, Lavanya Bharadwaj and Harbandaa K...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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